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Don't miss the upcoming concerts in our
Listening Room and Classical Music Salon.
April 9 - Classical Music with Everton Maia, Katie Baird & Dante Olita
April 14 - Stagecraft and Performance Workshop with Greg Morton
April 30 - John Coinman with Nancy McCallion
Click here for more info and schedule.
Week One - Sticking Foundations
Mached vs Traditional grip
Relaxed approach playing
Use of metronome
Precision drumming
Ergonomic kit setup
Drum Set - sticking patterns grooves and fills
Week Two - Hands & Feet and Drum Set Concepts
Foot techniques
Drum tuning and muting techniques
Creating your own voice
World rhythm applications
Drum set voicings
Cost for the two week course is $40 for Music Club members and $50 for non-members.
Class is limited to 25 participants.
To register, contact lesson coordinator, Ann Marie Volk, at (520) 624-1415
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